$60 per session
Pain Relief Acupuncture in Toronto – Defining Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a powerful treatment tool developed and perfected over the last few thousand years. Fine needles are inserted into certain points on the body which are said to have certain functions, affecting the body to either add energy or reduce energy
How Does it Work?
According to the theory in Chinese Medicine, acupuncture works by stimulating points along energy meridians. Different points have different functions and are chosen based on the diagnosed pattern of imbalance. Energy needs to be regulated, tonified or reduced.
Modern research has uncovered many mechanisms on how acupuncture affects the human body. It regulates the autonomic nervous system, which will create changes in blood pressure, pupil size, muscle activity, heart and pulse rates and skin temperature.
The research shows that there are definite paralells between TCM theory and biomedical theory. Specifically, Chinese Medicine’s ability to regulate the Yin and Yang translates into regulating the relationship between the sympathic and parasympathic nervous systems.
Many studies demonstrate the ability of acupuncture to regulate the autonomic nervous system and affect functions within the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, ventrolateral periaqueductal gray and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex of the brain. Also affected are neurotransmitters and amino acids, acupuncture is able to stimulate the release of such substances.
After reveiwing studies which demonstrate acupuncture’s biological effects on the body, the investigators also note that sham acupuncture does NOT affect the body in the same positive manner.
Reference: Li, Qian-Qian, Guang-Xia Shi, Qian Xu, Jing Wang, Cun-Zhi Liu, and Lin-Peng Wang. “Acupuncture Effect and Central Autonomic Regulation.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013 (2013).
How Does it Feel?
Generally acupuncture doesn’t feel like much, a small pinch when the fine needle goes into the skin. Most people get a deep feeling of relaxation and release while getting acupuncture. Discomfort sometimes comes when people tense up in anticipation of the needle.
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
The number of sessions that someone will require are dependent on a number of factors, such as how long the person had the problem, the age of the person, the body type of the person and even the season. The longer the person has had the condition, the longer it would take to treat. Acute or new problems can be dealt with relatively quickly. Acupuncture effects are considered accumulative, that is the effects will last longer after each consecutive time of receiving the therapy. Each session of acupuncture will bring the body into balance a little more, as it is a gentle therapy and moves in harmony with the body. After the session, the body will fight to get back to it’s previous condition. That is symptoms most often return after the first session when dealing with complex and systemic problems. This may be why this type of medicine brings lasting results, because gradual change will bring lasting change.
How Often Should I get Acupuncture?
Ideally in a perfect world, acupuncture can be performed daily or multiple times per day. In the busy Western world this isn’t very practical. Good results can be acheived with weekly appointments and it is encouraged that herbal medicine be taken at the same time to enhance and work together with the acupuncture. Traditional Chinese Medicine is made up of modalities that work together, they are not meant to be used separately. When dealing with cycle issues for women, sessions may need to be done at certain times in the cycle.
Will Acupuncture Affect my Medications?
No, acupuncture is safe and may actually allow a person to reduce the medications that they take.